What are the differences between Evendal network and traditional Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) platforms?

Evendal network borrows the direct and indirect rewards distribution mechanism from traditional MLM businesses and leaves out all of the outdated requirements. The following details outline exactly how Evendal network is different.

As a member of archaic MLM structured businesses, you will have the following requirements:

  • You need to pay a fee to join, sometimes as high as $10,000. It is also common to see an annual membership renewal fee.
  • You need to buy specific items and sales kits of questionable quality.
  • You need to engage in direct sales. This means selling off-brand products to all your friends and family, and it is not uncommon to hear of more than 1 relationship falling apart due to pushy and unwanted direct sale encounters.
  • You are forced to recruit even more people under you. That means you cannot just use the MLM companies products or promote them. You must go out and get other promoters as well, and convincing others to start selling the product is no easy task.
  • If you ever want to quit, you end up stuck with sometimes thousands of dollars in mostly worthless products that no one wants to buy.
  • There are "break-even points." This means that if you quit the program before meeting certain goals such as selling X amount of product, then you are guaranteed to lose money.

Therefore, with Evendal network:

  • There are no sign-up fees as well as monthly or annual membership renewal fees, ever.
  • Evendal does not force you to buy our bots or some inferior product you would otherwise never have bought due to social pressure. Instead, you simply keep paying for using our bots in your favorite and supported crypto markets but with some tangible rewards when you invite someone who is interested in using our bots as well by sharing your network referral link.
  • There will never be direct sales of a product to your friends, family, or strangers. You will never need to convince anyone to buy a product from you.
  • While we do encourage you to grow your network, you will never be required to do so.
  • There are no break-even points with Evendal network, This means you can stop using the network at any time with zero repercussions.
  • We offer real-time payment. Given that we are pure-play digital we do not require the customers to have to wait until the end of the month for us to calculate their commissions. As soon as someone in your network pays for using Evendal bot, you will earn instantly the reward from that payment in your personal account dashboard.

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